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Cruising all over the world with Variety Cruises

individual Roundtrip in Greece

Sail away with Variety Cruises!

Variety Cruises is the leading company for small ship cruise lines, and owns 12 small ships to offer to its clients a unique yacht cruise experience. 10 destinations are available all over the world, such as Spain, the Adriatic Sea, Iceland, and Greece for example. Discover in only 7 days Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece on the M/S Panorama, or in 7 days again, what the Canary Island look like during the best time of the year!
You will even be able this winter 2016-2017 to discover Costa Rica and Panama, or even the west side of Cuba if you choose to sail on the M/S Panorama II or the M/Y Variety Voyager.

Even though we were described for our cruise program around the Seychelles by The Times as one of the 10 best cruises on small ships worldwide, Greece remains a favourite for many of our clients. For this reason, we have 3 different programs, including an off-season, history-orientated cruise, entitled “Antiquity to Byzantium” which sails around the Peloponnese. Experts will get on board with you to give explanations about the sites we will visit then, and chat with you.
Our boats have a capacity of between 17 and 25 cabins, which will certainly guarantee you a peaceful cruise in the best conditions.

We hope to have the pleasure to see you soon!

Enjoy the greek lifestyle


Greeks love food, and know how to enjoy a nice meal. If greek cuisine didn’t exist, holidays in Greece wouldn’t really be that exciting, would they?

Meeting your friends in a traditional tavern will allow you to taste dolmades, the famous rice-filled grapeleaves, small hot sausages called loukaniko, or even the spanakopita, this delicious spinach and feta greek pie. Home-made tarama will be a real treat to your taste buds, as well as skordalia, which is a potato purée with garlic, and which you can eat on a piece of bread. If you then had one main dish to try out, it should be the moussaka, this famous eggplant, potatoe and minced meat dish, of which the melting texture and the fabulous taste will make you believe in God (We promise). The souvlaki, unlike the moussaka, is a spicy dish made with sliced pork, which is marinated in origan, lemon, salt and pepper. This also is a must!
Will you try out one of our desserts? The mandelhalvas, this nutty dessert will ravish your taste buds. What about a baklava, this famous greek pastry made of walnuts, almonds and pistachios? Would you actually prefer to end this meal with a more refreshing treat, like greek joghurt with honey, walnuts, and amarettini in it? If you are a fan of coffee, then maybe you would very much enjoy drinking a mokka, unless you’re more into wine, and would like to taste the sweet greek wine called mavrodaphne
It’s only a question of taste, isnt’it? Your journey will genuinely be more exciting thanks to our cusine, which is rich in flavours. It is even said that Socrates himself thought good food and drinks were able to bring stomac and soul harmony, which goes well with Greece, of which the gastronomy is worldwide famous for its quality. The local food will bring a little plus to your relaxing days in Greece, and will allow your taste buds to travel as well thanks to new flavours. You can book your own dream holidays now on our website!

Gourmandises grecques

Les Francais sont de véritables amateurs de la bonne cuisine, ce qui tombe à pic, puisque les Grecs ont le même amour pour la gastronomie! Si sa cuisine n’existait pas, un séjour en Grèce ne seraient définitivement pas aussi excitant, même si le pays en lui-même évoque le farniente et la détente, sans avoir même besoin de parler de ses spécialités.

Réunissez-vous avec vos amis dans une taverne traditionelle autour de feuilles de vignes farcies, appelées dolmades, petites saucisses épicées autrement appelées loukaniko, tsatsiki, ou roulé aux épinards et à la feta, appelé là-bas Spanakopita. Réjouissez vos papilles avec du tarama fait maison, ou bien du skordalia, une purée de pommes de terre assaisonnée avec de l’ail, à manger sur un morceau de pain. Le plat principal qui s’impose ensuite reste la moussaka, ce fameux plat composé d’aubergines, de viande de boeuf hachée et pommes de terre, dont la texture fondante et le goût fabuleux feront non seulement du bien aux papilles, mais aussi à l’esprit. Le souvlaki, au contraire, est une recette épicée à base de porc émincé et mariné dans une préparation elle-même composée d’origan, de citron, de sel et de poivre. C’est LA recette grecque phare. Que diriez-vous ensuite d’un dessert? Peut-être vous laisserez-vous tenter par un mandelhalvas, dont les délicates notes de noix raviront votre palais… Et que dire du baklava, cette pâtisserie à base de noix, amandes et pistaches? A moins que vous ne préféreriez finir sur une note de fraîcheur avec un yaourt à la grecque agrémenté de miel, noix, et de quelques amarettini. En ce qui concerne les boissons, nous vous conseillons de goûter au mokka, ou bien de vous laisser séduire par un vin sucré grec tel que le mavrodaphne.

Tout n’est qu’une question de goût: votre voyage ne sera que plus agréable si vous apprécierez également les moments à table! Socrate aurait même dit que manger et boire permettrait à l’âme et au foie de vivre en harmonie, ce qui va tout à fait à la Grèce, dont la gastronomie est bien connue à travers le monde. La cuisine locale vous permettra d’avoir à la fois des vacances reposantes, et d’exciter vos papilles. Vous pouvez dès à présent réserver les vacances de vos rêves sur notre site,!

Nightlife on Rhodos

If you thought night was made to get yourself some peace and sleep, you might have forgotten about partying as soon as the sun has gone, and this until it appears again. Rhodos will show you another facette of its personality if you are courageous enough to stay up and take part to it. Rhodos is not only an old greek island with a castle, it genuinely is a cosmopolitan city, which nightlife will never stop fascinating you.

With island hopping in the Dodecanese islands, you will discover a charming, mysterious new world, which is as exciting as opened to anybody, and of which you might as well become the Queen for one night. Make of your holidays on the Aegean sea a never-ending party in Rhodos, and come visit the Colorado club, the glamourous Taj Mahal Club, or even the Resalt, thanks to which you can (re) discover greek music. Let yourself go, and enjoy the fantastic decoration of the Blue Lagoon Bar, in which you can both have a swim and enjoy a nice drink. Maybe you would enjoy the mood of the Harley Davidson Cafe better? Unless you’re a fan of disco, jazz and soul, and in this case, you would have to pay a visit to the very stylish Havana Club. Rhodos will make you forget even the smallest of your worries, awake your senses and fascinate you, without a doubt!

Island hopping is a unique occasion to live a lifetime experience. Enjoy the bars of Rhodos around Orfanidou and the street of Miltiadou one day, and relax on Simi the following day. You might as well enjoy the activities that Kalymnos has to offer, like diving or possibilities to climb. This island will allowyou to both enjoy the benefits of sports, and the pleasure of relaxation at the beach. The diversity of activities offered by Rhodos and its neighbours Simi and Kalymnos will certainly not leave you unsatisfied…

Andros, a culture-impregnated island among the Cyclades

Island hopping Andros

Andros, the second biggest Cycladic island after Naxos in Greece, extends over a surface of 374km2 and is only two hours away from the port of Rafina, and not much further from Athens. It is a northern-situated island which has a great sailing tradition and fantastic landscapes with rocky coasts, mountain ranges alternating with abundantly flowing streams and flowered plains.
The island is full of secrets that are only waiting for you to discover them. Among them are the lighthouse of Fassa, the numerous and charming old watermills, the village of Ano Korthio, the strait between Tinos and Andros, or even witnessing spring in Pythara. Island hopping in the Cyclades is a wonderful occasion for you to discover those secret treasures that the archipelago has to offer to those daring exploring it.
The houses of its capital, Hora, are a witness of a subtle combination of medieval, neoclassical and traditional style. Its remarkable churches, museums, small shops, cafes and restaurants will ravish you if you wih to dive into the greek culture. The Frankish castle from the 13th century, which was built on a smaller island linked to Andros, is a must see as well. If you enjoyed visiting the castle, you might as well appreciate the architecture of the monasteries of Zoodóchos Piyí, and Panayia Tomarhiani.

Paleópolis, which used to be the capital of Andros, remained very influencial from the classical to the late roman times. The fortified settlement in the Neolithic times with hand paintings on the rocks representing animals, ships and linear designs never cease to fascinate our history-fans visitors.
The world-wide famous Museum of Modern Art, managed by the Vassilis and Eliza Goulandris Foundation, is the proud owner of wonderful collections of paintings and sculptures, whereas the archaeological museums in Hóra and Paleópolis represent the antique history of Andros. The Cyclades Olive Museum will allow you to know more about the pre-industrial, animal powered, olive oil producing unit in Greece.


Way more than beaches and sun

Majorca really has it all. This dream destination in the heart of the Mediterranean lures with more than 500 kilometres of award-winning beaches, breathtaking coves and picturesque harbours. Discover white and ochre sand beaches in the southeast or explore hidden coves surrounded by pine forests in the northern part of the island. Individually combine your trip to Majorca with the other fantastic Balearic islands here.

The clean and crystal-clear waters surrounding this paradise offer numerous possibilities to practice water sports, from scuba diving or water skiing to surfing.

The inner part of  the island has much to offer as well. The fascinating landscape of the largest Balearic island is full of hidden treasures and it is largely worth taking your time to discover it. The historic centres of Deià and Valldemossa are two of the most astonishing spots on the island.

The best way to get to know the different side of Majorca is by foot or bicycle. The numerous little-used and rural tracks in the inland are a perfect opportunity to feel the authentic, traditional vibe of Majorca. Almost half of the countryside of the island is protected and each place has its own magic.

Observe countless migratory birds in S’Albufera, see fascinating and rugged landscapes in the Sierra de Tramuntana mountains or explore hidden caves, such as the Drach Cave. Majorca’s coasts as well as the countryside are marked by contrasts and are only waiting for you to discover them.


Teide National Park

Visiting the Teide National Park is an absolute must once you are in Tenerife. Mount Teide has been declard a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO and is classified as the highest peak in Spain with more than 3,700 metres. Furthermore it ranks among the highest volcanoes on an island worldwide.

Teide National Park is almost from another planet. The extraordinary and fascinating crater landscape and the astonishing view you will have from its peak are definitely worth the effort.

Climbing the summit will be an unfogettable experience for you – whether you hike on well-marked trails through dense pine forests or through desert-like landscapes with colourful rocks. A great benefit is that part of the route can be done by cable car, so the ascent is possible for almost everyone. If you are looking for an adventure you can of course ascend by foot as well. There is a route leaving from Montaña Blanca which is a quite demanding six hours walk.

Thanks to the unique climate Teide National Park offers a great variety of endemic flora and fauna. For instance you will encounter three reptile species, namely the Canary Island lizard, the Canary Island wall gecko and the Canary Island skink.

Go and see it for yourself, as words cannot to it justice. You can mix Tenerife and other wonderful Canary islands here.

Greek specialities

Greeks love food. And that is a good thing. Because otherwise holidays in Greece would certainly be only half as pleasurable. The delicious Greek specialities themselves already remind you of holidays.

Meet your friends at the one of the many traditional taverns and order the popular vine leaves, the so called Dolmades, as a starter. Also recommendable are the spicy sausages (Loukaniko), Tzatziki or Spanokopita – a pie filled with spinach and cheese, wrapped in filo pastry. Be delighted by the great choice of bread, fish roe or Skordalia dips, consisting of mashed potatoes and garlic.

For the main course we suggest to try Mousakas, a type of casserole with Zucchini, minced meat and potatoes, whose juicy and delicious taste stimulates body and soul. Souvlaki on the contrary pampers the palate. These spits of pork, whose marinade has a wonderful smell of oregano, lemon, salt and pepper, by the way are THE highlight of the Greek cooks.

And for dessert? Try Halvas. They convince with their nutty, fine flavour. You should also taste Baklavas, a delicious pastry made of walnuts, almonds and pistachios or Greek yoghurt with honey, nuts and amarettini. What would fit better to this than a Mokka for a sweet-bitter combination? Or maybe you would like to sweeten your journey with Mavrodaphe, a Greek sweet wine?

No matter how you will decide: you should in no case miss this moment on your trip. „Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food“ – Socrates once said, and what better place to do this than in Greece, the country of the culinary temptations? Therefore combine an exciting and relaxing journey to Greece with freedom, zest for life and treat. This is made possible by Choose from our beautiful island hopping and sailing trips!

Island hopping Greece

Hello and welcome to !

In this video you are going to get a lot of exciting information about a very special type of travel. A type of travel which allows individual planning and also very personal experiences for everybody. Island hopping. This way of travelling is possible worldwide. Especially in Greece you can choose between numerous island groups.



The ferry connections between the island become better and better, so that you can for instance discover many different destinations, cultures and also landscapes within just 12 days. Furthermore from one island to another you can enjoy new and delicious specialities in the taverns and gastronomy.

Immerse into a fascinating island world only 2 to 3 flight hours away from you.
The most famous paradise for island hopping worldwide are the Greek Cycladic islands. The tours to the Cyclades in our portfolio offer a selection between the most beautiful of these islands.

As an example we are now presenting the probably most popular tour through the Cyclades. You will get the ferry tickets either directly upon arrival or one day before at the respective hotel. You will be driven to the port on time prior to each ferry trip and after arriving on the other island the tour guides will meet you immediately. They will also accompany you to your individually selected hotel.

Usually this tour begins with the direct arrival at the airport of Mykonos. There the indescribable island feeling will thrill you at once. Among the benefits of the holiday paradise Mykonos are more than 3.000 hours of sunshine per year, golden sandy beaches with crystal clear water, as well as the traditional architecture of the Cyclades with the typical main colours white and blue. Furthermore there is the immediate vicinity to the ancient island Delos, whose ruins attract innumerable visitors as well. The nightlife on Mykonos is unique. Here party and fun join glamour and high society. In order to discover as much as possible, we recommend you to stay at this exciting place for about 3 days.

From Mykonos you will move on to Paros, where a stay of 3 days is ideal as well. By ferry you can reach your next holiday destination within 2 to 4 hours depending on the connection. The island presents itself as a holiday paradise with beautiful beaches, villages adorned with flowers and many historic sights. Especially the neighbouring island Antiparos is a fantastic excursion destination thanks to its white beaches. Paros demonstrates flexibility with calm corners to relax and places with a quite active nightlife.

After these exciting days you will continue to Naxos. This island; as opposed to the rest of the Cyclades; is very lush and can be reached within less than one hour thanks to the ferry. Besides the green and versatile landscape, the white beaches are well worth seeing. They rank among the most beautiful of the Cyclades. In order to try several restaurants and specialities here, we recommend you to stay for about 4 days.

You will spend the last 4 unforgettable days of holiday on the stunning island Santorini. The ferry trip takes 2 to 4 hours as well depending on the connection. There you will be expected by a fascinating island. The crater side certainly is the highlight of this island. The typical houses of Thira, the island capital, have a unique architecture. They are small and whitewashed, with vaults and many tiny windows. Numerous boutiques, restaurants and souvenir shops can be found in the narrow streets. Experience breathtaking port taverns, mediterranean lifestyle and an absolutely unforgettable island feeling.

Follow the trails of the most beautiful Greek islands now with!